آموزش سیاستها و تجربیات آموزشی کوتاه، محصولی هستند که بر اساس قوانین خاصی که شما آن را نقض کردهاید، ایجاد شدهاند. نقض قوانینی که باعث شده شما وارنینگ استرایک یوتیوب دریافت کنید.
اگر یک هشدار کامیونیتی گادلاین دریافت کردید (Strike Warning)، میتوانید از همین قسمت یعنی از حساب استودیو خود به آزمون جدید یوتیوب دسترسی داشته باشید. این قسمتها که در ادامه هم توضیح خواهیم داد، شامل داشبورد استودیو و تب محتوا است.
اگر این آزمون قوانین یوتیوب که اختیاری است را تکمیل کنید، اخطار شما پس از 90 روز منقضی میشود و از بین میرود. اما اگر پس از اتمام آموزش، قوانین دیگری را نقض کنید، وارنینگ استرایک یوتیوب دیگری دریافت خواهید کرد.
همچنین نقض مکرر سیاست های یوتیوب – یا یک مورد سوء استفاده شدید – ممکن است همچنان منجر به بسته شدن کانال شما شود. همچنین ممکن است یوتیوب در آینده از آزمون و آموزش برای کریتورهایی که به طور مکرر قوانین را زیر پا میگذارند، جلوگیری کند.
برای رفتن به قسمت آزمون، روی گزینه Review کلیک کنید.
در مرحله بعد، شما سه گزینه و فرآیند دارید. که برای شرکت در آزمون باید به مرحله سوم یعنی Take Action بروید:
در این قسمت (تصویر بالا)، اگر این بخش را قبلا دیده باشید فقط گزینه دومی یعنی Appeal فرستادن برای وارنینگ استرایک یوتیوب وجود داشت. اما الان گزینه اول یعنی دوره آموزشی به آن اضافه شده است. در قسمت اول روی گزینه آبی رنگ Take Training کلیک کنید.
در مرحله بعدی، شما وارد آزمون میشوید. آزمونی که 7 سوال دارد که باید در • 15 دقیقه به آنها پاسخ بدهید. این آموزش و آزمون شامل چه چیزی میشود؟ در اینجا سناریوهای مربوط به قوانینی که نقض کردهاید را مشاهده خواهید کرد.
وقتی روی Next کلیک کنید، وارد آزمون ۷ سوالی میشوید. تک به تک سوالات را ترجمه کنید و بخوانید و سعی کنید که به هر کدام پاسخ درست بدهید.
اگر به سوالی پاسخ درست بدهید، تیک سبز میگیرید:
اما اگر به سوالی پاسخ اشتباه بدهید، مجدد اجازه میدهد که به همان سوال پاسخ دهید:
(توجه کنید که تمام سوالات دو گزینهای ( بله و خیر) است و نمیتواند خیلی سخت باشد.)
و در نهایت بعد از اتمام هر ۷ سوال، در این بخش به شما گفته میشه که در چه تاریخی وارنینگ استرایک شما برداشته میشود. در مثال زیر این وارنینگ استرایک در ۹ ژانویه ۲۰۲۴ اکسپایر خواهد شد.
همچنین اگر قبل از انقضای این وارنینگ (تا تاریخ گفته شده) دوباره سیاستهای مضر یا خطرناک یوتیوب را نقض کنید، استرایک دریافت خواهید کرد.
در ادامه تمام سوالاتی که ممکن است در آزمون Copyright School پرسیده شود با جواب را برای شما ذکر میکنیم. ۷ سوال خودتان را از لیست زیر پیدا کنید و پاسخ بدهید:
It’s possible for music to have more than one copyright owner.
Answers: True
If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video.
Answers: False
You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users’ content from the site.
Answers: False
Creating 100% original new content for YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.
Answers: True
Deleting a video that was removed for copyright will get rid of the associated copyright strike.
Answers: False
It is impossible for a remix or mash up to infringe copyright.
Answers: False
Anyone can issue a copyright claim on behalf of someone else.
Answer: False
As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and you cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement.
Answer: False
Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is _______ without the permission of the copyright owner:
Answer: E
Uploading a video of myself recording my favorite cover song does not require the permission of the copyright holder.
Answer: False
Giving credit to the creator in your video’s description is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring.
Answer: False
As long as I have purchased the content in question, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright by uploading it to YouTube.
Answers: False
Its fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answers: False
Fair use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.
Answers: False
If content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okays to upload to YouTube.
Answers: False
If you are found to be a repeat infringer, you could lose your YouTube account.
Answers: True
In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube, you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content.
Answers: False
Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is _______ without the permission of the copyright owner:
Answers: All of the above
Copyright infringement is a serious offense and violation of the law may have significaTube for permission to use other users’ content from thent consequences.
Answers: True
The following things are copyrightable: names, places, faces and spaces.
Answers: False
Content that was once allowed by a content owner may be subsequently removed from YouTube.
Answers: True
The following item(s) may be protected by copyright:
Answers: All of the above
It is okay to upload an entire cartoon episode without the authorization of the copyright owner as long as I’m just sharing it with my friends, family and fans.
Answers: False
If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright and you are certain that this is not the case, you may:
Answers: File a counter-notification
Copyright protection is only given to major film, television or recording corporations who pay for the privilege.
Answers: False
If content is available on the Internet, it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.
Answer: False
It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.
Answer: False
The following items are NOT protected by copyright:
Answer: B
All uses of copyrighted content without permission of the owner are considered copyright infringement.
Answers: False
If you misuse YouTube’s counter-notification process:
Answers: Your YouTube account will be terminated
The Following Item are NOT Protected by Copyright.?
Answer: People.
People are not protected by Copyright.?
Answer: Sorry.
You should ask YouTube for permission to use other users content from the site.?
Answer: False
The Following item is protected by copyright.?
Answer: Your Original YouTube Video
It is impossible for a remix or mashup to infringe copyright.?
Answer: False
If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter notification is the only possible way to restore the video.?
Answer: False
If content is available on the Internet does not mean that it is in the public domain and therefore okay to upload to YouTube.?
Answer: False
It’s fine to use someone else’s content as long as it already appears on YouTube.?
Answer: False
“Fiar Use” is a legal defense that applies in all counties.?
Answer: False
If you are found to be a repeat infringe, you could lose your YouTube Account.?
Answer: True
Copyright infringement can result in.?
Answer: D
As long as you have modified the original content in some way, such as in a remix, it is always a fair use of copyrighted material and cannot be subject to claims of copyright infringement.?
Answer: False
Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is without the permission of the copyright owner.?
Answer: E.
Copyright protects each of these individual right. “Fair Use” is a legal defense that applies in all countries.?
Answer: False
Uploading a video of myself recording my favorite cover song does not required the permission of the copyright holder.?
Answer: False
In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorized to be used on YouTube you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorized content.?
Answer: False
The following things are copyright able: Names, Places, Faces and Spaces.?
Answer: False
All uses of copyright content without permission of the owner are considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: False
If someone alleges that you have infringed their copyright, you will receive a notification.?
Answer: Both A and B.
You should ask YouTube for permission to use other user’s content from the site.?
Answer: False
Creating 100% original new content YouTube will help to protect you against claims of copyright infringement.?
Answer: True
Its fine to use someone else’s content as long as if already appears on YouTube.?
Answer: False
The Following items are NOT Protected by Copyright.?
Answer: People
If the original creator of the copyrighted work has died,the work is no longer protected by copyright.?
Answer: False
If you claim fair use in the video description, your video can’t be considered copyright infringement.?
Answer: False
As long as you have modified the original content in some way such as in a remix it is always a fair use of copyrighted materiel and you cannot be subject to claim of copyright infringement.?
Answer: False
Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is without the permission of the copyright owner.?
Answer: All of the above
If intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video just for fun, or cause trouble I could be found liable for any damages caused.?
Answer: True
Copyright protects each of these individual rights. Fair use is a legal defense that applies in all countries.?
Answer: False
Giving credit to the creator in your videos description is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring.?
Answer: False
If i intentionally file a false notice of alleged copyright infringement against a YouTube video just for fun or the cause trouble i could be found liable for any damages caused.?
Answer: True
The following item may be protected by copyright.?
Answer: All of the Above.
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